At the stage everyone is on the barre bus but just thought I'd reiterate a few points so we all know where it's at! For those of you who already take tons of class you know how good you feel but it's good to know what it is we are doing. If you have any questions about the technique or your training maybe this will answer some of them!
At Rebel Barre we love bangin’ playlists and fresh, upbeat workouts. Orla and I have so many different routines and sequences the body is always being challenged every time you enter the class. We always switch the duration of our routines and sequences while giving you HIIT, core, stretches, strength training and stability exercises. We feel empowered by the infinite varieties and love that we never get bored and hope you don't either!
During your class with us we keep you moving fast enough to torch calories and move quickly from one exercise to the next for similar effects and of course to improve our endurance and technique. Rebel barre promotes all over body function concentrating on toning, firming and flexibility. Barre does so much good for the body it's a wonder everyone isn't at it, oh wait they are you only have to glance at a magazine to see what stars are doing it and how great the look!
Orla and I designed rebel barre with so much careful research and an enormous retrospective insight into our own good and bad training to give you the best. Here's the skinny; our bodies react really well to tough workouts: we release endorphins which make you feel happy and well, it curbs hunger because it diverts blood from your gastrointestinal system so it flows into our tired muscles instead (holiday workouts are a must), improves posture by educating the postural muscles, gives you more body/spatial awareness which is not only good for our body but for the brain too, it's empowering ( it makes you focus on yourself), it's fun and it's safe. Mostly though it improves your over all health and sense of wellbeing and we always take a little breather at the end to bring the nervous system down to a balanced state. We all know we spend too much time in imbalance which wreaks havoc on our bodies, raises the heart rate, makes us hyper, makes us crash, releases stress hormones such as cortisol and sends us on a journey to burn out. We like to keep the energy high and start to decelerate towards the end to give you rebels everything you need.
Cardio counts. Big time! There are so many different fitness fad out there that it's difficult to know what to do. We say look for results. My great friend Svava @ Svavathevikingmethod doesn't do before and after pictures she does before and after performance which we agree with wholeheartedly, it's a useless marketing tool that makes people feel like crap when they don't lose 5 stone after a week! Now back to the cardio; it's this that gets the body fired up and ready to burn fat cells it also helps the elimination process in the body through seating and of course through going to the loo. Cardio speed everything along. We're not talking totally puffed out can't talk for the hour ( although HIIT sections such as these are fantastic too), we are talking 70-80 % of your maximum heart rate. Research shows that the body releases endocannabinoids only when you push your intensity into that moderate zone, so no need to kill yourself, phew! Static exercise and weightlifting doesn't activate the edocannabinoid system. We like to mix it all up to make a super class!
Stretching, everyone's love/hate relationship. Stop concentrating on the outcome and focus on the action. Stretching it out at the end is beyond important and here's why: after a workout your muscles leak a protein called kinase which your poor little kidneys need to filter from the blood. If you sit still, the damaged proteins accumulate and this may result in inflammatory control cells coming into the body and delaying your well earned recovery. By moving and stretching the muscles at the end you will increase the blood flow to these areas and this will flush out waste so your bodies can repair themselves.
Barre as you know is growing all the time and is now a staple exercise regime all over the world, we are always evolving and changing to meet new scientific research and love to take on new ideas, we don't own barre or Pilates or anything else we love sharing and learning all the time. And we love our little pocket of rebels in Dublin, we are most happy when we are making new classes for you to… ahem enjoy!!!